Meditative shadow-boxing combines real, flowing boxing techniques in slow-motion with Qigong movements. Components of this training include bodily awareness, mindfulness training, technique training, and breathing exercises.

Each boxing movement requires precise coordination of all 4 limbs and the torso, at the same time, independent of each other. Only what has been learned slowly and patiently can later be used in a fast, targeted, and precise manner.

calmness · silence · transformation · attentiveness · patience · body meditation · frustration tolerance · spirituality · abundance· slowing down· growth· slow motion boxing · nature · 

calmness · silence · transformation · attentiveness · patience · body meditation · frustration tolerance · spirituality · abundance· slowing down· growth· slow motion boxing · nature · 

calmness · silence · transformation · attentiveness · patience · body meditation · frustration tolerance · spirituality · abundance· slowing down· growth· slow motion boxing · nature · 

calmness · silence · transformation · attentiveness · patience · body meditation · frustration tolerance · spirituality · abundance· slowing down· growth· slow motion boxing · nature · 

the spiritual level

boxong is an educational and relaxing body meditation!

BoXong promotes concentration focused on the exact movements intended to be performed. This releases tension in the body and mind, and transforms it into kinetic energy, which has a stress-reducing effect. Frustration and error tolerance are additional benefits. We want to learn to accept mistakes as important learning stages. It’s crucial to recognise them as constructive. These learning effects help us achieve improvements in boxing as well as in many other contexts in life. BoXong is not about performance at any price, but about creating a contrast to the faster, higher, further.

Performance = potential – disruptive factors. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of these disruptive influences again and again, to minimise them and allow regeneration to occur. Our body and mind need peace and quiet to be able to hear questions about their respective meanings. This leads to highly personal introspection, allowing you to feel everything that can’t be seen or understood rationally. Spiritual intelligence too arises through slowing down and the resulting sharpening of the senses, which is conducive to spiritual growth.

Additionally, BoXong is also about returning to nature, connecting with it and taking root in it. Movement and being in nature are essential parts of transforming emptiness into abundance. This time is simultaneously one of growth and regeneration. We live in a competitive and overstimulated society, with constant noise and other distractions from our inner desires and needs. Mother Nature is the ideal retreat for rediscovering them.

Spiritual intelligence includes both rational and emotional intelligence, which enhance our development and our connection to ourselves and others. (Howard Gardner in Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 1983)

BoXong is reduction to and focus on the essentials within us – to bring us to a state of fulfilment. From a worn down boxer with a tendency towards workaholism to a relaxed fighter with a sense of fulfilled efficiency. Trance journeys, EFT tapping techniques or progressive muscle relaxation are supportive relaxation techniques suitable for self-application. Whether indoors or outdoors: BoXong is very accessible and can easily be integrated into the work day in order to consciously take active and rewarding breaks. This leads to a renewed freshness, comparable to a power nap or meditation. Let your mind wander in peace and quiet.

We also undertake 1:1 coaching day workshops, organised as e-bike tours through the enchanting landscape of Barnim, to the north-east of Berlin. (Upon individual request)

Find out everything about therapeutic boxing in Berlin here!


Professionelles Boxtraining mit therapeutischer Wirkung

the training content

the body needs rest to grow

  • calmness
  • silence
  • transformation
  • attentiveness
  • body meditation
  • frustration tolerance
  • patience
  • slow motion boxing
  • constructive errors
  • spirituality
  • the self
  • abundance
  • slowing down
  • growth