Definition: “Therapeutic boxing” is a body psychotherapy method that can be widely used as part of psychoeducation or as a support and supplement to traditional forms of therapy such as behavioral therapy. The main aim is to improve the perception of one’s own body and to learn to perceive, express and regulate feelings and emotions. The processing of traumatic experiences, the management of negative and destructive impulses and the reduction of inner tensions are appropriately supported. The aim is to strengthen psychological resilience through self-efficacy and self-assertion.
The SeelenBoxen concept is a holistic form of movement that is effective on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Individual content is moved and trained on all three levels, which interlock to release blockages and restrictions. In addition to sporting aspects, Soul Boxing uses the mechanisms of therapeutic boxing and brings movement into our personal developments and undertakings.
What the soul really requires is the most moving concern here. We track down the soul‘s needs and desires to directly feed its hungriest parts. Body and mind are being moved in unison to return to the soul its proper posture and its wings. We box so that the soul enjoys living inside the body.
We build personal growth on the fundament of stable self-esteem. The soulboxer movement is multilayered, challenging and nurturing. It turns pessimism into optimism, lethargy into vigour, anger into bravery, fear into respect, and frustration into motivation. The desire for autonomous success will drive out the powerless fear of failure.
If we lose, we want to successfully learn from that failure. Whether in the boxing ring or in life: it‘s about preventing or overcoming punches, set backs, low blows, strokes of fate, and knock-outs. We want to box our way to freedom and score Lucky Punches on the way.

therapeutic boxing
the value of therapeutic boxing is extensive!
Crossover boxing movement help interlink the left and right hemispheres more intensively, more so than stable-cyclical movements*. The left and right side of the body communicate and harmonize better with each other as well. Learning new patterns of movement combined with music causes the development of new neuronal connections in the brain. This creates new resources, new paths for information in the brain, accessible during a myriad of mental processes.
All this allows for new realizations in the judgement of old limiting experiences to come up, for example by overwriting them with new experiences. Past beliefs and one-sided patterns of thought are being modified and perceived as optional choices within one‘s inner life. These are the philosophies, trainings, and coaching tools we convey at the therapeutic boxing in Berlin.
*neuronal plasticity, the ability to change and develop neuronal structures through learning processes is possible even in very old age. This can be supported by bilateral hemispherical stimulation.
business coach berlin: mobilizing strengths for more resilience and competence to act
Knowing how to deal with wounds has healing and meaningful effects both in the boxing ring and in life. In doing this, we realize pain doesn’t have to be an unalterable process of suffering, but wants to set us into motion.
This realisation leads to more self-determined competence to act. Self-doubts, including those about the own body, are being reduced. This kind of training training is an immense contribution to the processing of trauma, stress, and to dealing with fears.
We also learn to accept that in certain moments, it’s smarter and healthier to throw in the towel: whenever the fight is harming body and soul, and is absolutely futile. Here, the coach acts like the cutman in the ring who decides if a wound can be stitched up quickly or if it requires further attention and care.
We punch for the inner peace of our soul and for more resilience. It’s not about being ‘better’ than anyone else, but rather better than we ourselves were yesterday. The real opponent is inside of ourselves, subconsciously buried and hidden. In mental boxing, we often get to know him as a very hurt part of ourselves, which needs curative affection and a stable cover from inner critics and judges.
It saves a lot of energy to dance those ‘internal enemies’ away, rather than verbally fighting them. Only through intimately knowing and carefully and lovingly leading the hurt parts of our own personality can we fully mobilise our personal strengths. As your personal & business coach, I will support you in that! In the boxing ring, as well as your personal and professional life.
soulboxer® – Boxing to open the gateway to the soul
The car press machine Tempelhof kindly informs us that car wrecks are only available without side windows.
soul boxer® in the ‘Ritze’ in Hamburg
The soulboxer visits the ‘Ritze’, Germany’s legendary boxing cellar.
‘Zur Ritze’ Trailer
‘Zur Ritze’, Germany’s most legendary boxing cellar.
The unique mixture of boxing classes, mental coaching, and athletic training, combined with relaxation techniques and enriching, resource-oriented conversations, brings us physical and mental stability and newfound confidence.
The individual frameworks and targets are determined by the client’s topics and are diagnostically assessed in the anamnesis.
Through the soulboxer training, we learn to lead ourselves and others with soulfulness, appreciation, respect, discipline, mindfulness, and humility. Become a soulboxer, nourish your soul. Be the greatest, we aim for resounding success, we aim for the Lucky Punch!