Are you addicted to recognition and what can you do about it?
The constant search for recognition resembles a certain addiction to pleasure, which can be more difficult for people than one might imagine.
The constant search for recognition resembles a certain addiction to pleasure, which can be more difficult for people than one might imagine.
“Work-life balance” – the term alone is thought-provoking and contains a massive misconception. It suggests…
Muscles don’t just make you happy because the T-shirt you deliberately bought too small and the ripe, plump fruit inside astonishes or amuses those around you…
wingwave® Coaching Berlin is a very effective short-term coaching method that identifies stressors and releases blockages. wingwave® is based on the mechanisms of kinesiology muscle testing, bilateral eye stimulation and neurolinguistic coaching.
“Be worth it to yourself, you are unique. What does that mean exactly? Well, many people search, some for the rest of their lives, for self-valorization…
Is workaholism replacing self-esteem for many? I was inspired to write this article when I read the post “Sitting is the new smoking”….
“The bats have to blow their trumpets, the snakes have to screech and the alligators have to swallow themselves, that’s boxing”…
Consolation patches with the side-effect of grief fat – what connections, causes and interactions are relevant here?…
Boxing has actually always been used to compete in sporting duels. At least that has been the case since the…